Once your loan is complete, you may be wondering what happens to your documents. Depending on the lender, your loan in the system may remain active, be archived, or deleted. You have access, however, to completely remove your account and documents at any time.
Once your account is deleted, there is no way to retrieve any information, so please be sure this is the intended purpose.
How to Delete Your Account
Navigate to your specific lender's site and select the option to Login in the top right hand corner:
Enter your email address and password. Select Log In to proceed into the portal:
Select your email address in the top right-hand corner:
Select the option to Edit Profile:
Select the Delete Your Account button in red:
Select 'Yes, I want to delete my account' to completely remove all documents and information, and select Delete My Account to confirm the deletion:
Success! Your account has been completely removed from the system and all documents have been deleted.
to genericÂ
I added all my docs under my spouse name. I need to delete and re-enter under my name.
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