ISC Credit

Who is ISC Credit?  

At ISC, we provide credit report solutions necessary for mortgage brokers and lenders to close loans efficiently and in a timely manner. We understand that customer service is just as important as results, that is why we set the standard in our field. Let us help you achieve your goals.


Established in 1989, ISC has strived to provide the necessary tools for Mortgage Lenders, Mortgage Brokers, and Property Management companies in their line of work while aiding them in achieving their goals. ISC raises the standard in customer service. We keep our clients as our top priority. ISC customers benefit from fast turnaround times, competitive pricing, and live experienced representatives with every phone call.


For more information, please visit


Integration type: Credit 


What will the Floify—ISC Credit Integration support? 

Floify’s integration with the ISC Credit interface enables loan officers to automate a portion of their mortgage process by automatically collecting a borrower’s credit report from ISC Credit.


How to Set Up and Use

Manual ISC Credit Installation and Request Automatic ISC Credit Data Installation and Request

From the team pipeline, choose the team name in the upper right-hand corner and select the option to navigate to the Company Dashboard:





Navigate to Company Settings and select the Integrations tab:





Scroll down to locate ISC Credit. Select the plus sign towards the right to install:






Select Install Company Level Integration to complete the installation:






Select the Apply Now Settings tab:






Scroll down to Credit Report Integrations and select the option to Edit Credit Report Integrations:






Select the option to enable ISC Credit and select Save to confirm the change:






Navigate to Home and switch back into the user's account:






From the team pipeline, navigate to Settings and select the Integrations tab:






Scroll down to ISC Credit Integration and select the option to Edit ISC Credit Integration:






Enter your soft and/or hard pull credentials and select Save to confirm the changes:





Click the red, yellow, or green buckets to get into the desired borrower's loan flow:




Select the Add New Doc button:




Locate the option to initiate an ISC Credit Request:




Complete the ISC Credit Order Form and select the option to Place Order:






You will receive a Success message once the order has been placed:




After submitting the order form, the borrower’s credit report will be delivered to the yellow bucket of the corresponding loan flow within moments:






  Ready for review!




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