SMS Compliance Update
SMS Compliance updates to borrowers with existing loan flows and realtors/partners with Floify accounts. Previous borrowers, realtors, and partners with Floify accounts receive an email with a link to opt-in.
Bulk Actions
- Pipeline > [Active Loans], [Archived], and [Docs Pending Review]
- Prospects
- Pipeline > Settings > [Template Documents] and [Realtors, Partners]
Item selection for bulk actions
Selecting the 'select all' checkbox in the header will prompt the user to confirm the selection of just the items (i.e. loan flows, documents, etc) visible on the page or all the items across multiple pages. The Company Dashboard > Users page will only allow the selection of all items on the current page as it has been determined that bulk actions on all users may have unintended consequences.

Locations and Types of Bulk Actions
Directly in the borrower flow > Docs Pending Review:
- Users can bulk accept, reject, and delete documents pending review
Confirmation modal of bulk reject on documents pending review, shown with missing Reject Code messaging
Active Loan Pipeline
- In the Active Loans tab, users can archive and add followers in bulk. In the Archived Loans tab, users can bulk unarchive loan flows.
Confirmation modal for bulk archive of active loans
- Prospects can be selected, and then deleted or marked as read in bulk

Pipeline > Settings > Template Documents
- Template docs will also have bulk action functionality where active documents can be archived en masse and, conversely, archived documents can be bulk unarchived
Confirmation modal for archiving template documents
Lender View > Settings > Realtors, Partners
- Similar to all the other bulk actions, users can unlink multiple partners at once
Document Viewer Updates
The document viewer modal will now feature new buttons in the footer allowing users to delete, accept, or reject documents as they are being reviewed.
- The 'delete' and 'reject' actions will feature a confirmation prompt
- The 'reject' action will also enforce the requirement of selecting a Reject Code before allowing the user to proceed with some error messaging and highlighting:
- As users perform actions on each document, the next document will be served up in the same modal as long as there are documents left to view.
- Users can now navigate to the previous or next document using the ⬅️ and ➡️ arrow keys.
Assign Support User Updates
- When assigning support users, users can now "Assign to all teams" when they start searching for teams to include
Borrower Rate Calculators via Optimal Blue
The goal of this feature is to give borrowers live interest rates based on information they provide in the Landing Page Calculators.
Enable Borrower Rate Calculators via Optimal Blue
Multiple Milestone Sets
The goal of this feature is to have the option to select either a 'Purchase', 'Refinance', or 'Other' list of milestones since they have different steps in the process.
Sunset of Apply Now 2.0
Removal of all version-specific text of apply now (Apply Now 2.0, Apply Now 3.0). Replaced with 'Apply Now'.
LOS Loan Search Improvement
The goal of this feature is to make it more straightforward and simple for LOs to connect their loan flows to loans in their LOS.
Below, we have the new manual loan start form. You'll notice that when connecting to an existing file, you are able to search by name or loan id.
(Disclaimer: each LOS has differing search capabilities)
Once you select the loan file to connect, it will populate the form with as much information about the borrower as is available. Then you continue to create the loan flow as you always have.
The same functionality will also be available on the edit loan flow modal:
LOS Search Capabilities:
Will get bank statement
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