Features and Enhancements
- Re-connecting Co-Mortgagors v1 (backend infrastructure only)
- This release will push backend code changes only. Customers will not yet have access to co-mortgagors features with this release. This is part of the team’s staged release plan – with the next co-mortgagors release, the Consortium members will get early access before we make it available to all customers.
- New co-mortgagors changes being introduced with this release:
- The 'import data conflicts' function has been updated to arrange borrower pairs in Floify to how they're set in Encompass.
- The ability to select the borrower pair to send the 'Add doc notice' notification when selected from the loan pipeline page has been added.
- The XML download option is hidden when Co-Mortgagors is enabled and loan flow has more than one borrower set.
- In Floify disclosures, a new error message when Closing Docs with multiple borrower pairs are sent from Encompass has been added.
- For users with LendingPad and FocusIT LOS integrations, we are now pulling the 1003 data from the LOS when running Dual AUS.
- In the loan pipeline view, the 'Applicants' column header has been changed to 'Borrowers' instead for better clarity.
- Geo-coding has been added to auto-fill the 'County' field when an address is entered in Apply Now.
- The verbiage in the Apply Now military service question has been changed from 'Non-Activated' to 'Not-Activated-Reserve' for better clarity.
Bug Fixes
- The Informative Research credit integration will now work with the reissue credit feature.
- The Avantus credit integration will now push liabilities to 1003 when manually pulling credit or re-issuing credit.
- The link to Floify’s Terms of Use and Privacy Policy has been added on the registration page when borrowers access Apply Now through an emailed verification link.
- API keys are no longer visible to customers in Custom Integrations when the setup hasn't been approved by Support.
- Encompass data conflicts will only be visible moving forward when a loan flow is connected to an Encompass file.
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