Features and Enhancements
- We will now map SCIF questions to Encompass. The 'Supplemental Consumer Information Form' (Form 1103) is a new Fannie/Freddie requirement. This update pushes these questions to Encompass.
Bug Fixes
- The Property State was not appearing correctly in the 1003 view via the company dashboard. This was due to the states the loan officer was licensed with not being properly checked. This has been resolved.
- Incorrect fonts for co-mortgagors were showing in Microsoft Edge browsers. This has been resolved.
- LendingPad document uploads were failing due to the loan not being created in time. This has been resolved.
- The 'Support' floating button will no longer hide the 'Save' button when in the 'edit loan flow' screen.
- NPE errors were displaying after deleting a loan officer team that has custom fields enabled was deleted. This has been resolved.
- More logging has been added (papertrail logs and audit logs in the loan flow) around when a user follower is added.
- Sync issues when the loan application is pushed from Floify to LendingPad have been fixed. Some data was not always transferring properly, such as prior job income, credit authorization, and loan info.
- For whitelabeling, the Floify header has been removed across pages when Floify is being iFramed within another page.
- The Dropbox integration was failing with an expired token error. This has been resolved.
- There was an LOS upload NPE when attempting to read null values. This has been resolved.
- There was an assertion failure causing disclosures to fail. This has been resolved.
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