Features and Enhancements
- ICE eClose
- This feature will enable companies to provide Encompass Consumer Connect eClose to their borrowers all within Floify. ICE eClose opens up an additional hybrid eClose option for LO Teams using Encompass. Hybrid eClosings make closings faster and more borrower friendly by allowing the borrower to review and sign most of the closing documents in advance online.
- Security enhancement to rate limit the ResetPassword link
- Updated Total Expert API request to include new "owner" parameter
- Dual AUS enhancements:
- Dual AUS credit reissue updates
- New dropdown in “Order AUS” modal that allows the user to select which credit report they’d like to use
- New warning language if no valid credit reports are found in Floify for that borrower; prevent user from running AUS, as it will fail
- Added guidance in the “Reissue Credit Report” page for how a new credit vendor can be added
- Dual AUS credit reissue updates
Bug Fixes
- Resolved an issue with Google's Web Risk API returning false negative
- MFA NPE found for an already created user when not having contact details
- Reissuing a SharperLending credit report will now work correctly
- Removed non-alphanumeric characters (SharperLending) when sending credit reference ID using LPA in AUS
- Resolved hibernate error spike when deadlocks occur
- When clicking "No" in the Milestones modal (not synced with LOS), then checking off milestone, the email is still being sent
- iFrame redirect after LO login is now sending user directly to the loan view
- Fixed an error when uploading signed documents back to Encompass when the .pdf documents in the e-folder were added or edited after downloading disclosure
- LOS synced recipients (Lender, Buyer/Seller attorney) will now receive milestone emails accurately
- The e-sign tooltip will now display who is left to sign accurately
- Different sized text boxes will now resize correctly on mobile browser view
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