August 18, 2023 Release Notes

Version: v45.5.0



  • Users that text the word STOP or START to the Floify loan notification phone number will now have a corresponding PDF automatically created for all loans with that phone number 
    • Users that start new loans/applications with the same number will automatically be opted out of receiving SMS messages until they text START.
    • If a borrower texts “STOP” to the (833) 824-0024 toll-free number, if they were to start a new loan using the same number or try to opt-in to loan notification via their profile settings, there are new indicators that will not allow them to opt-in to receiving those messages until they text the word “START” to the same phone number.


Bug Fixes

  • Resolved an issue that would be seen when renaming a pending/accepted template document causing the wrong document to appear
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