Version: v45.21.0
- VOA IDs & Credit Reference IDs for loans have been added to the loan's XML file
- Loan Product Advisor (LPA) version update
Bug Fixes
- Floify e-sign template documents will be applied correctly to Co-Mortgagor loans with multiple borrower pairs
- ICE eClose disclosure package with multiple borrower pairs (multiple Floify loans) will no longer cause timeout error
- Disclosures for Co-Mortgagor loans with multiple borrower pairs will now work correctly for those additional pairs
- Documents will now be listed in the Needs List for only that specific borrower pair in Co-Mortgagors interface
- Resolved an issue with certain Apply Now settings and the “Subject property is under contract” toggle turned off
- The "ignoreApplicationDate" setting for Byte adapters should be working for all loan creation workflows
- Updating a realtor's phone number to a specific format should be working
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