The loan pipeline is where you will manage all of your borrowers, including reviewing application and document data, making adjustments to the loan flow, and locating any additional information regarding the loan.
Among these options, you will have the option manually pull a soft and hard credit report. To enabled this workflow, reach out to support@floify.com to get started!
How to Use
From your team pipeline, navigate into the loan flow using the red, yellow, or green icons towards the left hand side of the borrower's name:
Select the Add New Doc button in blue towards the right hand side:
Select the type of request you would like to make. This will depend on the integration you have set up to run the request.
Running a Credit Pull
Select the Soft or Hard Credit Pull dropdown list:
From there, select which integrated Credit Vendor you would like to use from the list of installed integrations:
Once you have selected the vendor, you can input and review all details in the order form:
You can add additional parties as needed, select the bureau(s), liability options, and the credentials you would like to use. Note that this is for both hard and soft pulls:
You can use the credentials that are set in your settings, or add additional credentials for one time use. If new credentials are added, you can update the default credentials as well:
Proceed to fill out the order form as needed and Place Order. Once the request has been generated, it will populate into the Docs Accepted in the borrower's loan flow for your review.
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