Version: v45.24.0
- ICE eClose improvement to processing the information of non-borrowing owners and borrowers who share an email address
- Added support for LendingPad’s appraisal date using the milestone syncing
- Adjusted the placement of checkboxes/radio buttons to be more accurate on e-sign documents
- Improved login user experience for returning borrowers, improving their ability to log in or initiate a new application
Bug Fixes
- Synchronization of Encompass liabilities to a Floify loan in the absence of a 1003 document will no longer result in synchronization issues
- Fixed an issue that was preventing some users from being able to sign e-sign/disclosure documents
- Resolved Apply Now issue when non-purchase loan purposes were selected
- Document names that contain a forward slash can now be retrieved using the "/download/{loan-id}/{document}" API
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