Manage My Email and Text Notifications


Nothing slows down a loan more than when you don’t know what you should be doing or what documents your lender needs from you. So when it comes to important loan status updates or notifications about new conditions or document requirements, it’s invaluable to receive notifications letting you know what your lender requires of you.


We also see the other side of this, though. If you're being bombarded with repetitive notifications about your status or document requests, you can easily turn them off. 


How to Enable or Disable Email and Text Notifications

Navigate to your specific lender's site and select the option to Login in the top right hand corner:






Enter your email address and password. Select Log In to proceed into the portal:






Select your email address in the top right-hand corner:






Select the option to Edit Profile:






Select or deselect the checkboxes for Deadline Notifications and Text Messages to enable or disable. Make sure you select Save Profile to confirm your changes:



Screenshot 2024-05-09 at 2.58.18 PM.png



Here is a screenshot walkthrough of the process:

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