Using your secure portal, you can keep to up to date with how far you are through the loan process. Your lender may use what are called milestone updates to keep everyone informed as far as where you are at in these steps. This will involve a visual component in the loan flow as well as email and/or text notifications.
How to Review Your Milestone Updates
Navigate to your specific lender's site and select the option to Login in the top right hand corner:
Enter your email address and password. Select Log In to proceed into the portal:
The milestones will be listed up at the top and represented by individual bubbles. Any milestones that have been completed will contain a checkmark in the box. If you hover over the individual milestone, you will be able to see the name and checked off date (if applicable):
Note: Your lender will also send out email and/or text message updates regarding the milestones when they are checked off.
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