Encompass Plugin - Uninstall


The Floify Encompass Plugin, with help from our partners at Brimmatech, allows lending teams to stay in a single streamlined interface within Encompass to complete all loan tasks. Synchronization of data across the integration is easily implemented to ensure the two platforms share the most accurate borrower information.


If the plugin needs to be uninstalled, this can be done in Encompass with the steps provided below.


Uninstall the Encompass Plugin

  1. Open the Encompass Input Form Builder.

  2. Go to Tools > Manage Customizations and remove the following items from each of the indicated tabs:
    1. Custom Input Forms:
      1. 1003 Encompass - Floify Data Discrepancy
      2. Encompass/Floify Data Sync
    2. Plugins
      1. Anything with the name 'LoanHeaderPlugin_Release_[Version Number].dll'
    3. Custom Data Objects
      1. Brimma.Floify.json
      2. Brimma.Mapping.json

  3. Restart Encompass.
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