Enable On-Demand Add Document Notices


The Email settings allow for you to make various configuration changes to the email templates sent to your borrowers.


Among these settings, you'll have access to enable on-demand add document notices.


The Add Document Notice is sent out to a borrower when new document requests are added to the borrower's loan flow.  You have the option to have these sent out automatically, manually, or to disable the notification from being sent out at all.


How to Set Up

 From your loan pipeline, navigate to Settings and select the Email tab:






Scroll down to Add Document Notice and select the option to Edit Add Document Notice:






Select the option to Enable on-demand emailing of Add Document Notices. Make sure you select Save to confirm the change:


Note: This allows for you to send the notification when you decide, as well as include a personal note.






When requesting a new document, a new paper airplane icon will appear in the loan pipeline to the right of the borrower's name:






You will be given the option to type in a personal note if you wish. Select Email Notice to send out the template:


Note: If text messaging is enabled, a text notification will also go out at this time.





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  • What is the default time if this option is not set?

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