Floify sends a variety of emails out to the lender, realtor/partner contacts, and borrowers to notify them of important information regarding the loan flow or loan.
Emails Sent to Borrowers
- Application Invitation - The Application Invitation Email is sent out to a borrower when a new prospect is created manually in the portal via the Add New Prospect option. This email notification provides the borrower with a link to get started on their application.
- Needs List Email - The Needs List Email is sent out to a borrower when either their loan application has been converted to a live loan flow, or if you are using the 'Start New Loan Flow' button in your loan pipeline to create the loan flow manually. This email notification gives the borrower insight as to what the next steps are and provides a link to access the portal. This notification is required to be sent to every borrower. The loan owner and any followers will be CC'd on this email.
The Needs List Email will also be sent out in place of a password reset email if a borrower hasn't yet set up a password, as it contains a smart link which will redirect them to set up a password for the first time. - Add Document Notice - The Add Document Notice is sent out to a borrower when new document requests are added to the borrower's loan flow. These can be sent out automatically, manually, or you can disable the notification from being sent out at all. The loan owner and any followers will be CC'd on this email.
- Reject Document Notice - The Reject Document Notice is sent out to a borrower when you have rejected a document they have uploaded. This then allows the borrower to see the reason why the document was rejected and to select a different document to upload to you. These can be sent out automatically or you can disable the notification from being sent out at all. The loan owner and any followers will be CC'd on this email.
- Deadline Notice - The Deadline Notice is sent out as a reminder to a borrower based on the deadline date you've set in the borrower's loan flow along with settings you have full control over. You have the option to have these sent out automatically or to disable the notification from being sent out at all. The loan owner and any followers will be CC'd on this email.
- All Documents Accepted Notice - The All Documents Accepted Notice is sent out to a borrower when all documents have been moved from the Docs Owed tab to the borrower's Docs Accepted tab. You have the option to have these sent out automatically or to disable the notification from being sent out at all. The loan owner and any followers will be CC'd on this email.
- Idle Application Notice - The Idle Application Notice is sent out to a borrower when their application is still incomplete in a cadence you can determine. You have the option to have these notifications sent out automatically or to disable the notification from being sent out at all. The loan owner and any followers will be CC'd on this email.
- Milestone Notifications - Milestones are important checkpoints in the life cycle of obtaining a loan. When a milestone is checked off in Floify, the borrower can receive email notifications regarding the specific checkpoint. You have the option to send these out manually or prevent the notification from being sent out when the milestone is checked off. The loan owner and any followers will be CC'd on this email.
- E-Sign Requests - When an e-signature document is requested in the borrower's loan flow and requires them to sign, they will receive an email notification prompting them to go in and sign the document. This contains a link to proceed. These will also be sent out to third party recipients if added as a signer on an e-signature document.
- E-Consent Requests - When a borrower's e-consent is re-requested (either by updating the name or email address, or by manually re-requesting), they will receive an email prompting them to log in and provide e-consent.
Emails Sent to Lenders
- Recent Borrower Uploads Notice - The loan owner and any followers will receive notifications for recent borrower uploads based on the cadence and settings selected in their profile settings. This can be sent anywhere from every 30 minutes to every 12 hours.
- E-Signatures Executed Notice - A lender will receive email notifications when a borrower or third party e-signs a document if this is enabled in their profile settings.
- Lead Generation Portal Notice - The lead generation portal will send out an email to any users opted into the settings with the contact information for a borrower that accesses the modal.
- Verification Email - When an account is created in Floify for a lender, they will receive an initial verification email with a link they can select to set up a password for the first time.
Emails Sent to Realtor/Partner Contacts
- Realtor Added to Loan Flow Notice - The Realtor Added to Loan Flow Notice is sent out to a realtor when they are added to a borrower's loan flow with the Makes Letters permission. This provides them with a link to proceed into the portal as well as tutorial.
- Pre-Approval Letter Generated Notice - The Pre-Approval Letter Generated Text Message is sent out to a realtor when a pre-approval letter has been generated for a loan flow that they have been added to.
Emails Sent to All Floify Users
- Password Reset Email - A password reset email goes out to a lender, realtor/partner contact, or borrower when requested via any Floify landing page with a link the user can click on to set up a new password.
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