Floify keeps a log of events as they happen with your borrowers. For each document request, throughout it's lifecycle, you and your borrowers can view the status by referring to the Status column in the document view to understand the most recent action taken for the document
Events tracked in the Status column
The following events are tracked in the Status column, with the expected values appearing for each entry respectively:
- Initial Request - Date and Time a document is requested
Document Upload - Date and Time a document is uploaded
- If any messages are provided by a borrower during upload, these will also appear after the date and time
- Document Rejected - Date, Time, Reject Code, and Reject reason of a rejected document upload
Reporting Details - On reports ordered, you will be able to see additional details about the status of the report order, after the Date and Time fields
- Some examples here are VOA, VOE, or Credit
- Document Declared Not Applicable by Borrower - Date, Time, "Borrower declared not applicable", and the borrower's reasoning for this specific response
- Pre-Approval Letter generated - Date and Time a document is uploaded followed my a message stating "A Letter was Generated"
Additional Data
Some additional data may be seen in these columns as well for various documents.
- Request Status Icons - There are icons, such as a pointing finger or an up arrow that are included to provide visual display for the current status of the document
User Icons - for some documents, you may see an icon for the user who uploaded the document
- This will not happen on every upload, as some uploads happen automatically by the system or have other processes related to loading the documents to the loan flow
Overlay Messages - When hovering over the status of a document, you can find more details of the upload date and time, as well as the event itself
- Hovering over a user icon will also provide more details
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