Dual AUS includes both Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. With Dual AUS, complete more key loan tasks in Floify's easy to access mobile friendly interface.
Read more about our Dual AUS integrations here: Dual AUS With Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac
Once you have completed setup and read our best practices, you can run AUS Findings.
How to Run AUS Findings
Navigate into the borrower's loan flow by selecting the red, yellow, or green icons towards the left:
Select the AUS Tracking option near the right in blue:
Select Run dual AUS, Order DU/DO findings, or Order LPA findings:
Enter the required parameters to run AUS:
- Debt-to-income (DTI) - This pulls from Encompass, MeridianLink Mortgage, or Byte (if connected), otherwise, the data pulls from the Floify 1003.
- Credit reference number - This auto pulls (if credit report has been run in Floify) or enter the credit reference number (if there is no credit report in Floify).
- Fannie Mae / Freddie Mac Case ID(s) - Choose existing ID or “New Case ID”
- Product & pricing information - Enter the estimated closing cost, monthly P&I, and monthly mortgage insurance.
Fill out all the necessary fields. You will be ask to provide a submission type specifically for Desktop Originator (DO). If 'Interim' or 'Final' submission type is selected, you will need to provide a 'Sponsoring Lender' as well.
Select Order when ready:
The AUS results/findings will display:
A report can be downloaded for either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac with the Download Report option.
If necessary, you can run findings again via the Run dual AUS option:
AUS Fails
Since AUS requires several 1003 fields to be filled out, you may run into failed results if these haven't been completed as required.
To find additional information regarding the error message received from Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, select the Status Log option towards the right of the failed order:
This will show a Status Log with an error messages needed to resolve and order findings again:
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