Borrowers have had the option to opt into text messaging via Floify to receive updates on the loan flow and the status of their loan.
Moving forward, they will now be required to specifically indicate for each loan flow whether or not they wish to receive these text message updates.
The article below clarifies the adjustments and SMS compliance improvements that have been made in Floify.
Borrower Application
Upon starting a loan application, the borrower will be asked to select 'Yes' or 'No' when asked if they wish to receive text message updates. This will apply to the loan flow moving forward:
If a co-borrower is added to the loan application, they will be prompted to select 'Yes' or 'No' to the same question upon logging in to their actual portal for the first time instead of allowing the primary borrower to choose:
Borrower Loan Flow
Upon logging in for the first time, the borrower and/or co-borrower will see an option to opt in or out of text message notifications:
The text message preferences can now be changed per loan flow and per user (if borrower/co-borrower are sharing an email address) as well. This can be done by clicking on the email address in the top right hand corner and selecting the 'Edit Profile' option:
Lender Portal
When starting a new loan flow via the Start New Loan Flow button, the text message option is no longer available. The borrower will need to opt in or out upon logging in for the first time:
When editing a loan flow via the Edit Loan Flow button, the text message option is no longer available. The borrower will need to opt in or out in their own portal:
Additionally, there will be a new document in the loan flow regarding the text message preferences labeled as 'Text Message Opt-In' or 'Text Message Opt-Out'. This will show up in the Docs Pending Review for your reference:
The document will be similar to the e-consent or credit authorization, showing a date and time stamp for when this was provided.
If the borrower wishes to opt back into the text messages if they've opted out, you will see an icon towards the right that allows you to re-request this for them:
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