Generate a Pre-Approval Letter (New Version)


The loan pipeline is where you will manage all of your borrowers, including reviewing application and document data, making adjustments to the loan flow, and locating any additional information regarding the loan.


Among these options, you will have the option to generate a pre-approval letter. 


Once you have a pre-approval letter template set up in your Floify account, you are ready to start preparing and generating pre-approval letters for your borrowers. This is a two step process that involves setting up the parameters for your letter first, and then generating your letter second.


If you need help setting up your pre-approval letter template first, you can find more information here: Pre-Approval Letter.


If you need help setting the parameters for the letter, you can find more information here: Prepare a Pre-Approval Letter


How to Use

From your team pipeline, navigate into the borrower's loan flow using the red, yellow, or green icons towards the left hand side of the borrower's name:



Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 1.16.41 PM.png



Select the Pre-Approval Letter button near the right in blue:



PAL button.png



The parameters will need to be initially set up to view this. If they have not been set, then you will be prompted to add these parameters in the Edit Loan Flow interface. Instructions for doing so can be found here: Prepare a Pre-Approval Letter



Set Parameters.png



Once parameters have been set, you will be able to see the Pre-Approval Letter interface when pressing the button. Only tag fields requiring input that are mapped to the Pre-Approval letter will be shown here:



PAL Interface.png



Enter your details (Property Address, Sales Price, Down Payment, Actual Seller Paid Closing Costs)  as you'd like them to appear on your letter:



Details entered.png



Note: The values cannot go outside of the parameters initially set up, otherwise you will get an error message



outside parameters.png



Once you have your parameters set, you will want to set your Recipients. Please note that you can choose no recipients if you want to add the letter to the flow without sending out the letter via email:






You can add additional recipients to receive the letter by entering their email address and pressing the Add button:



Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 12.59.34 PM.png



The additional recipients can be viewed, checked or unchecked, and removed entirely as needed after being added. to remove the recipient, select the Trashcan icon:






At any point in the process, you can preview the letter with the parameters currently entered:



preview button.png



The preview can be viewed and sent or you can return to edit the details as needed:






You can choose to send the letter in two ways. The options are to send the letter, or to send and create another letter:



Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 1.06.52 PM.png



Once you choose how to send this out, you will receive one of the following confirmations that the letter was sent:



Send another approval.png

Send and Create another letter option confirmation



PAL sent.png

Send option confirmation




The letter will be available in the Docs Accepted. You can view or download it as needed with the icons towards the left hand side, and can resend it using the paper airplane icon:



Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 1.10.08 PM.png



Some other things of note. The address field uses the Google Address search feature to validate addresses. Additionally, you will receive a warning message if you are missing any fields in your Letter Details section



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