Floify has built-in fields as well as custom fields, which make it easy for you to store custom data in Floify and surface that data where you like in the Floify user interface using business rules.
Click here to see our full custom fields article - Custom Fields
Common Use Cases
- Lightweight CRM - Allows you to focus on your "hot" borrowers and keep track of when you need to follow up with them
- Task lists - Allows you to keep track of certain items you or your team need to complete throughout the loan flow process
- Task lists based on certain types of loans or loan programs - For example, an FHA loan, Conventional loan, or VA loan may all call for different tasks throughout the loan flow process
- Basic overview - Allows you to keep track of some basic borrower info such as users involved (processor, lender, appraiser, etc.)
- Important dates - Allows to you enter and keep track of important dates for the specific loan (for example, closing date, appraisal ordered date, title ordered date, etc.)
- Notes section - Allows you to communicate with other users within Floify directly
Borrower/Realtor Facing
- Informing borrower of where and when closing is
- Borrower task list - Allows you to create a task list for borrowers if there are items they need to complete outside of the documentation portal/Floify
- Realtor task list - Allows you to create a task list for realtors if there are items they need to complete outside of the documentation portal/Floify
How do get additional options to populate under FIELD? I'm trying to create a rule and the only option coming up under FIELD is Milestone. I've created custom fields and a layouts...not able to create rules though. Please help!
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