Send a Deadline Reminder Email to My Borrower


The loan pipeline is where you will manage all of your borrowers, including reviewing application and document data, making adjustments to the loan flow, and locating any additional information regarding the loan.


Among these options, you will have the option to send a deadline reminder email to your borrower with a list of outstanding documents.


How to Use

In the loan pipeline, locate the loan flow for the borrower that requires the Deadline Notice sent, then click on the Edit Loan Flow icon towards the right hand side:






Scroll down to the Borrower Info section of the edit loan flow window:






Locate the Send Borrower a Notification section. Then locate the Deadline Notice action icon for the individual that the action will be performed for. It is the second icon on the left. Click the Deadline Notice action icon to initiate a new notification to the borrower:


If the loan flow has a borrower and co-borrower using different email addresses, both individuals will have their own action icon that is used to trigger the resend.







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