The Apply Now settings allow for you to make various configuration changes to your loan application and loan application settings.
Among these settings, you'll have access to enable co-pilot.
When enabled, co-pilot allows loan officers and borrowers to edit in-progress loan applications together.
How to Set Up
From your active loan pipeline, navigate to Settings > Apply Now:
Scroll down to Apply Now Application Settings and select the option to Edit Apply Now Application Settings:
Select the option Enable Co-Pilot. Make sure you select Save at the bottom of the screen to confirm the changes:
Success! Co-pilot will be available for you to work through a loan application with your borrowers.
I'm curious as to how this works or what this setting does specifically. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.
I have a paper to sign and I can’t get to it to sign it. It says I can’t sign it because I need to sign it!!! The loan is 162 days into it and I’m going crazy!
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